Welcome to MyndGuide Gallery
Are you visiting today for answers or entertainment?
Answers are meaningful
entertainment is enjoyable.
Answers/ meaning enhance the future
entertainment/ enjoyment enhances the now.
The trouble with this:
meaning and answers always leave us wanting more,
and wanting more is not very enjoyable.
So here at MyndGuide, we focus on the present.
I do that as the host – curating a gallery of entertainment for you, the guest.
I hope you will be entertained by today’s creation –
please enjoy ‘the meaning of creation in a sketch of God’
– Iconography –
In art and life, mind process loves measuring and finding meaning.
Uncovering meaning brings us momentary enjoyment.
It feels good to control and understand – it reassures us that we can have more enjoyment in the future.
Now if you have been to my gallery before, you may have seen my other works such as:
“There Is No Such Thing as Control or understanding”
but we can explore those works another time… 🙂
For the time being, it often seems like meaning is all we have.
And what means more than God?
Does anyone actually understand God?
God is like a great artist—some claim to ‘know’ the artist’s meaning, many others theorize and speculate, but we can never truly understand the artist, just as we can never fully understand God.
But we can’t help but try.
We are aspiring artists ourselves—fabricators of meaning – creators.
Is it possible that meaning is creation itself?
Consider, “In the beginning, God created heaven and earth.”
We theorize God as singular, but creation demonstrates duality: God (singular) created other (duality).
Even creation itself was dual: Heaven and Earth.
With a gallery of Earth to fill, God created all the dualities:
sky and sea,
fish and birds.
Then God created humans—was that a self-portrait?
Perhaps we are little more than a gallery piece entitled:
“Portrait of a Singular Entity with the Ability to Create”
I wonder what our value is?
Are we abstract or traditional?
We live in a singular present but have a mind process that creates a world of two:
me/you, good/bad, here/there, now/then.
What is our meaning? And why do we want to know?
Creation is Confusing, So Let’s Paint a Picture:
Let’s say God created the universe.
Blood, sweat, and divine tears went into this immersive art installation we call life.
By any standard, this is impressive work, though critics abound.
Now God,
being a singular creator,
can only experience creation as the creator,
which limits the experience.
Imagine a human artist who never shows their work—not even to themselves!
Is that a creator?
A human artist naturally switches between creator and observer.
This back and forth is a necessary part of the creation process.
What is art if not viewed and enjoyed by another?
Even if that other is the same person—a singular creator and observer.
According to our traditional understanding, God is an infinite source with no eyes or other senses, no form.
Have we created the image of a singular God who can’t observe creation?
The dance of creation and observation always requires two.
Duality is required wherever creation takes place.
A singular source must always split itself to observe (itself).
So here we are, humans, observers who complete the creative equation.
With this in mind, duality is not a bad thing but a divine expression.
A singular creation needs an observer to exist: creator and creation, creation and observer.
– The Duality Necessity –
I point this out because in some circles, the word duality is frowned upon.
There is a belief that the singular is somehow “better”.
But a singular creation needs an observer to exist:
creator and creation, creation and observer.
So how can we stick our nose up at duality?
Whether we create for ourselves or create for others,
it doesn’t really matter who we create for,
someone needs to appreciate it or it’s not creation.
So, God (singular) creates images of Godself –
images that must (temporarily) forget they are also the creator.
This is required for the singular to view creation.
Or viewed the other way around:
Only through creation can observers exist to enjoy creation.
The unique viewpoint is required.
– The Duality Obstacle –
If it is necessary for a Creator to have an observer,
duality becomes a necessary evil.
When creator and observer merge,
creation and experience cease to be.
Because we are creation, we can’t understand no-thing-ness.
So why bother?
Understanding the artistry takes the wonder out of it.
Knowing the secret removes the mystery and enjoyment.
If only we could just enjoy the show.
For those on a spiritual path, striving for enlightenment, life is full of these obstacles.
We are like superfans, obsessed with peering into the world of our favorite artist.
We become discontent with just being part of the event – we want more!
We want to understand and to create more ourselves.
We seek deeper understanding.
We wanting to know the meaning behind creation.
So, we study and learn, trying to become one with the creator.
But why? Do we really want the magic that is the experience to end?
We forget our role as observers. Simple observers. Here to be guests of the gallery.
– Chew on This –
Where some artists use paint, others use food.
Are you someone who appreciates culinary art?
Foodies live for the experience of discovering a new restaurant with a resident artist with a flare for flavor and presentation.
Imagine being invited by such a chef (God) to an amazing restaurant (Earth).
The colors, smells, atmosphere, music…
the proprietor of this place clearly knows how to create a fully immersive experience.
And now remember that you are a guest.
Would a good guest wander into the kitchen,
over-analyze flavor pairings,
debate wine choices,
critique the details,
measure everything?
This is rude behavior, and yet in our society this sort of continual measurement has become normal. Almost a badge of honor – we feel compelled to critique and share our experience on social media, as if our ability to measure and have an opinion makes us unique / special.
How often do we put ourselves in the chef’s shoes? The host has invited you in for dinner. This particular chef knows you well and has created a menu for you to experience.
How do you repay the hospitality?
What kind of guest are you?
Do you act like a wannabe chef, analyzing and critiquing every aspect of the creation?
Foodies seem determined to measure it all – smell, flavor, texture, and presentation – it is all fair game for the guest to analyze.
Is this how we humans measure and critique our curated experience?
“It is nice, but I would prefer a little more spice, a richer flavor, or more sweetness…”
The practice of measuring (mind process) is so accepted in our society that we think nothing of this poor guest behaviors.
We pretend to ‘know’ better.
Our ignorance and self-absorption, insulting the creator.
– Step Back and Observe –
Back to our gallery
You’ve been invited to opening night as a guest and observer.
You’re there to enjoy and experience the creation of another.
You could walk around like a pretentious art snob,
critiquing everything,
but what good does that do?
You’re not a jerk, are you?
… but you do have an insecure mind.
Why are you insecure? You have no idea!
You’re an accomplished artist in your own way!
As a fellow creator, you recognize personal expression in another’s art.
There’s always an experience for both the artist and the viewer.
The trick is to know your role and appreciate it in that moment.
Appreciation for another’s art shows the maturity of the creator.
Acceptance allows us to relax, knowing we’ll create again in our own studio, but in this moment, we are guests.
Let’s be good guests.
Let’s be the kind of guest we’d want visiting our own gallery.