MyndGuide is My Mind Guide

Created by me (no one important) – about my mind – to help guide me through my mind challenges.

Note the spelling of “Mynd” – a reminder that every mind belongs to someone.
When confronted with problems, it is always a “My”, never a yours.
My mind. My problems. My work to be done.  I am my own guide.

There is no collective mind.
There is no mind at all for that matter.
So with no mind to be solved, there is certainly no universal method or guide to solve it.
We each develop our own MyndGuide until we realize no guide is needed.

I’ve decided to share my (mind) guide as it may help others.
This is not being done as an authority of any sort. There can be no authority on something so uniquely personal. Your mind guide would differ from MyndGuide, because all minds are unique to the individual.

MyndGuide can only act as an idea in the development of AnothersMindGuide.
Curious what your version of MyndGuide may include?

Observe your own thoughts:
What problems do you have?  Fears?  Desires?
What do You think needs to be done or changed?
What are you working towards and what challenges are you facing on that path?

That unique path of yours (beginning, journey, and intended destination) illuminate your mind guide content.  This is not a guide to be followed but rather, the guide towards existing without the need of a guide.  What you recognize as your story is in fact your guide towards freedom.

Your guide, story, and all that you consider to be you – these are just illusions of your mind.
This makes no sense until it makes perfect sense.

A delusional mind requires no external teacher or method, only self-directed awareness.

MyndGuide is built on this idea – stop collecting more and start practicing enough.
I can only truly learn from myself.  We are our only teacher.
Another’s experience or guide is purely entertainment.

If you say:
“But I don’t know where to start?
How to improve?
What to do next?
What method will get me there?”

You have just demonstrated no external help is required. 
You have just defined exactly where you start.   That is the mind.

Likewise, if you think it can be done all on your own. You can figure everything out.  You know exactly what you are doing.  That also is the mind.

We need only observe the mind.
Everything you need and want resides in the mind.
You need not study or chant or meditate or prostrate – only notice and appreciate.

My guide has been prepared by me for me.
My Guide.  My Mind Guide.  MyndGuide
What about you?

– share your guide content – 
Guides continue to change and evolve through working with other guides.

Share your MyndGuide content with others.

What constitutes MyndGuide content?
Perhaps a reflection on a personal experience that transcends collective theory.
Maybe a realization about guiding a fictional self through challenges with a mind that doesn’t exist.
It may involve observing and noting the tricks and pitfalls of the elusive mind. 
Reflecting on Your mind and its sneaky desires. Or accepting that the mind exactly as it is.

A good guide entry will (continually) ask of its author – what do I want and why.
Sit down and give it a try!

Comments to share with MyndGuide?

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